Quality gear to empower you on you tour

In Sweden, we have a history of creating great outdoor gear. On our tours, you will be equipped with gear from Swedish heritage outdoor brands such as Haglöfs, Trangia, Primus, Silva Urberg Skandinavien and Light My Fire, as well as international brands such as Exped.

Our tours are an invitation explore what good quality outdoor equipment can do to enhance the comfort of a multi-day stay in nature. Equipment from trusted brands ensures that the equipment is not only comfortable, but also strong and sturdy enough to handle anything mother nature might throw your way.

The weather in Stockholm archipelago is normally fair and beautiful. However, it can change quickly, and a sunny morning can turn into a rainy and/or windy day. In the evening, it might clear up again and on the freshly washed cliffs you can enjoy a fantastic 2 hour Scandinavian sunset. It’s all part of the charm.

Full equipment list

For our kayak & wild camping tours, you will receive the following equipment. Adjustments can always be made according to your preferences, for example if you wish to have one tent per person or an extra cooking stove.

  • High-quality 2-person sea kayak*, paddle, life vest, spray skirt, map, compass & all necessary safety equipment
  • Water proof kayak jacket, rain hat and kayak gloves
  • 2-person dome tent with self-supporting three-pole construction
  • Sleeping bag & bed linen
  • Inflatable sleeping mat & foam mat for extra comfort
  • Camping pillow & camping chair
  • Cooking stove & fuel
  • Cooking utencils incl. cutting board, knife, spatula, salt, pepper & oil
  • Eating utencils & washing-up kit
  • Tidy-kit with garbage bag, toilet paper etc.
  • Archipelago spa-kit with locally produced environmentally friendly schampoo & conditioner
  • Flashlight, extra matches
  • Environmentally friendly bug repellent

* If you have plenty of previous experience we also offer the option of single kayak, please contact us after booking for a consultation.